19 March 2014

I'm Back! Sort of...

Hi everyone!

I know, I haven't posted anything in a really long time... But I am really hoping to start blogging again. There's just been so much going on in my life the past few years and I just got so busy with school that I had to put everything else aside. Including some of the things that I used to have so much interest in. I'm still in school right now, but I just realized how important it is to still do the things that I like to do, and to give myself some personal time, no matter how busy I really am. I admit, I was kind of in a rut the past little while and started to let myself go... But recently I've been trying to focus more on my health and beauty, trying out new things, working on being more active, basically, just balancing my lifestyle a little more.

So to start off, here's my plan for some of my upcoming posts:
- Skincare routine
- Current favourites
- Heatless hair styling tools (What works and what doesn't)
- DIY hair treatments
- DIY skincare
- Various product reviews

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